Bags: Series 2

from $13.00

Trash bags, that’s all they are. Each bag has been cleaned, prepared, and curated to evoke that wonderful consumer feeling we get when browsing products. Buy a bag, put in a nice shadowboxed frame, and keep more trash out of the waste cycle.

Buy It: Save the Earth

About Slowcycling

Let’s get our bad consumer decisions out of the global management cycle and out of the landfills. Everyday we add to the stockpile of waste that has to be managed. Our mission is to convert as much personal waste as possible into aesthetic products. The goal is to reduce waste management needs around the world.

Our products are crafted to deliver the feeling of consumer joy and make the process of waste stewardship enjoyable and engaging. Buy a slowcycling product today and help transform our trash into a solution. They look great and make for great conversation pieces!

When you buy a slowcycling product you get something fun and unique while also making a commitment to the earth and your fellow citizens that you will treasure this trash and keep it out of the waste cycling for as long as possible.

All items purchased in the Conscious Vacation store come with a certificate of authenticity.